The fine folks over at Empire Magazine, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary, have gotten an exclusive interview with Tom Hanks in which they talk about his upcoming projects, including the much-anticipated Toy Story 3.

According to Hanks, he has gone through three complete recording sessions and will no doubt have to do at least one more within the next eight months. He then compares animated film work to “beasts,” revealing that he will probably have to go in for even more sessions after his presumed last.

Also, Hanks revealed that Pixar took a different approach this time in regards to revealing the story to him and fellow co-star Tim Allen. Instead of a traditional script, Pixar invited them to a story reel screening of the entire film. It consisted of moving storyboards backed by music, sound effects and voice work done by Pixar employees. After having seen the reel, both Hanks and Allen were excited and said: “This is great, let’s get to work!”
