Filmmaker SouthernShotty describes Watermelon Girl as “the story of a girl born from a watermelon seed in a departed king’s stomach…[who] discovers the true joy of giving and building community.”

Director’s statement: I love the convenience and power of digital art, but there is something magical about analogue art. So, I’ve set out to challenge myself to bring that analogue joy to a digital piece.

I spent a ton of time dissecting crafts, textures, proportions, and more to build a 3D world that felt hand built. However, I wanted to lean into the strengths of digital art and pull off scenes not possible in analogue.

I hope this blended approach to animation brings you as much joy as it was to produce.

Quick Facts:

– All visuals done by myself
– Learned 3D as I went
– 230+ shots rendered
– Around 18,000 frames rendered
– 5 years spent from initial writing to final production